Pregnancy Loss

Nadia’s story:

I met Angela Le at a fertility workshop at Golden Bridge Yoga. I could barely sit there without bursting into tears after three miscarriages.

I had been working for months trying to create in myself a more nurturing and healthful spirit, but being in the room with a group of women who shared some of the same painful experiences, I couldn’t help but be moved. It was time to get serious about taking better care of myself, and Angela was there to give compassionate guidance.

A few months later, I sought her out. I was given a medical protocol that didn’t resonate with my respect for the human body’s innate intelligence. Unable to give me any diagnosis; any reason for my pregnancy losses, my fertility specialist had given me prescriptions for drugs that represented a “nuclear option” to me. I wanted to explore a different route.

Immediately, Angela put me on an elimination diet and asked me to track my eating over several weeks. It was an inconvenient process, but it was not difficult. As I realized how food was affecting my body, I became naturally inclined to avoid foods that caused irritation to my system. I formerly tested positive for an autoimmune disorder, and after giving up certain foods, that blood test became negative. It is difficult to explain my history to conventional doctors, because they don’t seem to believe that such a thing is possible. One asked for me to repeat the blood test, and again, it came up negative.

I also was impressed with the impact on my whole system that the acupuncture treatments had.

Symptoms that I had gotten used to over the years – hadn’t even realized were there – became very apparent as they abated. Whenever I asked her about a particular needle or some reaction I had between appointments, Angela explained in a straightforward manner. She also helped me navigate and prioritize my treatment options, drawing upon her years of experience with women who found success with a combination of conventional and alternative treatments.

I am now pregnant and in my 21st week, when all of my previous pregnancies ended before week nine.

I continue to find support from Angela reinforcing my commitment to the most natural, positive and healthful birth experience possible. I will always be deeply grateful to Angela, her wise council and her supportive nature, for the profound transformation that both my body and mind have undergone under her care. I look forward to having a great birth and a great beginning for my first child.


Pregnancy Loss


Pregnancy Loss