Pregnancy Loss

Avery’s story:

When Angela first asked me to write a testimonial about my experiences with her, I was honored and thought I wouldn’t be able to limit it to just a few paragraphs -- I would need pages and pages to try to explain the impact she has had on me and my family.

How do you write succinctly about someone who you truly believe has been a blessing in your life? But in the end, I have found it difficult to actually find the words to express how much meeting Angela and working with her during my pregnancy has meant to me.

About a year ago, in preparation for yet another round of IVF treatments, I decided to do a cleanse with guidance from my friend Dr. Alejandro Junger. Alejandro insisted that I meet with Angela as part of the cleanse, and as I got to know Angela during my first treatment, I realized that introduction was quite fortuitous.

I began seeing Angela regularly in preparation for my IVF cycle the next month. My IVF doctor had me on an aggressive protocol, but the treatments and support from Angela kept me calm and relaxed throughout the process. When my doctor said that we had to abandon the cycle because I was not responding to the medicines in the way they had hoped, I was slightly disappointed, but I felt so well from the acupuncture treatments and my conversations with Angela that I still had faith that everything was as it should be.

We converted to an IUI cycle, and a few weeks later (the day after Father’s Day actually!), we received a call from the doctor confirming that after 5 years of trying, 3 IVF cycles, countless IUIs, and 3 miscarriages, I was pregnant.

I had the good fortune of continuing to work with Angela throughout the course of my pregnancy -- she supported me with nutritional advice, acupuncture, great advice and kindness (during some very difficult personal challenges), and above all, friendship. I had a wonderfully uneventful pregnancy, felt happy, healthy and calm every day during my pregnancy, and at the end of it all gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who is possibly the most chill and blissed out baby I have ever seen. I am convinced that the support from Angela in keeping me relaxed throughout my pregnancy is a big reason the baby is as relaxed and sweet as she is.

Words cannot adequately express how grateful I am to Angela for all she has done for me and my family. Her support and friendship has been truly a blessing in my life. Thank you Angela for both of those gifts...

With love and gratitude.


Pregnancy Loss


Pregnancy Loss