
Bri’s Story:

“I remember walking into Angela's office that October day years ago.  I came to her for fertility help.  I had already been through multiple rounds of unsuccessful IVF and was seeing an acupuncturist.  But, Angela came recommended to me by a friend.  Something deep inside me told me I needed to see this woman.  And I did.  I had multiple concerns about a potential pregnancy and wanted to undergo more IVF.  Angela took a step back and looked at the bigger picture.  In her loving, beautiful way, she began to help me see what I couldn't.  The subtle and not-so-subtle ways I was preventing my body from healing.” 

Not only did we address my body, but we began to address the deeper-seated issues.  We talked about everything in my life and I began to see just how related it all was.  I still fondly remember her words, "You need to give birth to yourself before you can truly have a baby." She was right.  With a slight change.  The "baby" I gave birth to was ME.  Through the course of our work together, I realized just how unhappy and out of alignment my entire life was.  My path was DIFFERENT.  This was, at once, terrifying and exhilarating.  I finally felt ALIVE after having felt dead inside for so long.  After years of illness, stuckness, and stagnation, I began to feel joy.  I found meaning in my life.  And, I turned my life upside down.  I began to speak my truth and LIVE it.  I found resources of courage inside that I never knew I had.  I made the choices I knew I had to make to live an authentic life, breaking ancestral chains and shifting paradigms in the process. 

I am living, loving, and thriving like never before.  

When I look back at who I was when I first met Angela, I am awed at just how much I have grown.  All thanks to Angela's guidance, her wisdom, and her compassion. Angela effortlessly cuts through the noise and distraction in the background to get to the real crux of the matter.  It's this magic that has made all the difference for me.  I lost count of how many times I've left her office with yet another epiphany.  

Quite simply, for me, there was life before working with Angela and life after meeting her. 

My current life is everything I never dared to dream I could have. My heart overflows with gratitude for all I've learned and all I continue to integrate. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Angela.  Your life might never be the same for it.


Sex & Intimacy Coaching


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