Fifth Avenue Fertility Wellness

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Natural Conception

Rachel’s story:

Angela not only helped me bring a beautiful baby girl into this world, but truly helped me transform all aspects of my life.

By the time I met Angela, I had struggled with fertility issues for more than two years.

It was a dark time in my life not only because of the uncertainty of whether I could get pregnant, but also because of stressful issues I was facing at work and in various relationships. I did not seek out acupuncture or eastern medicine as treatments for infertility, nor did I have much hope they could work. But after Dr. David repeatedly recommended that I see Angela, I somewhat reluctantly made an appointment.

That appointment set me on a course to change my life. Over the course of a year, Angela served as a guiding light, providing me with a totally new framework to address many long-term, stressful issues that were not even fertility related. With her help I permanently transformed the way I eat and the way I handle stress and anxiety in my life. I am unquestionably a stronger, happier, healthier, and more peaceful person for having met Angela.

In the end, I achieved a healthy pregnancy – but becoming pregnant was just one of many positive and life-changing outcomes as a result of our work together.

I am deeply grateful to Angela and count myself very lucky to have been connected with her. I only hope more women can benefit from her unique approach, her gentle way, and her gifts of intuition and connection.